Telegram Sam by T. Rex was a UK number 1 hit on Saturday, February 5, 1972 spending 2 week(s) at the top of the UK charts. T-Rex leader Marc Bolan wrote this as an ode to his manager, Tony Secunda. "Telegram Sam" was Bolan's affectionate nickname for his Secunda. Other people who show up in the song: "Jungle-face Jake" was Sid Walker, Secunda's black assistant, and "Bobby" is Bob Dylan. When Bolan referred to Secunda as his "Main Man," it brought the phrase into popular culture. This was the first single released on Marc Bolan's own T Rex Wax Co label. The goth-rock group Bauhaus covered this song In 1980
Who sang Telegram Sam?
Telegram Sam was performed by T. Rex
What year did Telegram Sam get to the UK number 1 spot?
Telegram Sam first became a UK number 1 on Saturday, February 5, 1972
How long was Telegram Sam at number 1 in the UK?
Telegram Sam spent 2 week(s) at number 1 in the UK.